Curve Digital is an English-based video game publisher and developer.
The company was established on December 14th, 2005. However, it began its operations in 2013 with the announcement of the company's desire to create and publish video games.
It gained major attention while the developing the port of their in-home developed game, Stealth Bastard to Sony-owned platforms.
In 2016, Curve Digital was purchased by The Catalis Group and reformed into Curve Digital Entertainment.
As of 2018, Curve Digital has 5 in-house developed and self-published titles. Most of the companies operations focus on publishing games from small independent developers like Mike Bithell, Superflat Games, and Roll7.
Apart from that, there is no particular focus in the direction of the games published by Curve Digital.
The most notable titles published include Stealth Bastard, Stealth Inc 2, Lone Survivor, Velocity Ultra, Thomas Was Alone, and OlliOlli.